Choose your Edition
You can play Minecraft on many systems, including game consoles, mobile devices, and desktop/laptop computers, but this was not always true.
Java Edition
The first version of Minecraft, developed in 2009 and released in 2011, was coded in Java and only ran on computers. This original codebase, now published as "Minecraft: Java Edition," continues to be very popular and is the only version available for Mac and Linux computers.
Bedrock Edition
Shortly after the first release of Minecraft, 4J Studios developed Console Edition for use on game consoles, and Mojang developed Pocket Edition (aka MCPE or PE) for use on mobile devices. MCPE would later replace Console Edition on the current generation of game consoles.
In 2017, Microsoft rebranded MCPE as "Minecraft" while keeping the Java Edition tag for the Java version. While "Bedrock" has been the name of the C++ codebase used in MCPE since 2011, Bedrock Edition is not an official brand name.
When you are ready to join others on an online server, most will require you to use Java Edition, though this is slowly evolving.
Java Edition supports a vibrant community of developers who create "Mods" that extend the features and capabilities of the core Minecraft game.
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The Minecraft name, brand, and assets are used here in compliance with the Minecraft EULA, Microsoft Services Agreement, and the Minecraft Usage Guidelines.
At MC Tech Space Inc., we take pride in our responsibility to provide a range of products and services to the Minecraft community. From our servers to our documentation, videos, books, and commentary, each offering is designed to benefit our members and the wider community of Minecraft players and fans. We aim to create content suitable for audiences of all ages.
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